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Saturday, February 6, 2010

Do you feed your dog Diesel fuel?

High fructose Corn syrup( Hfcs) has revolutionised with food processing industry by providing an unlimited supply of cheap sweetener. If you read the label, you will find Hfcs in just about every sweet food or beverage you can buy at the grocery store ( by the way, did you know you have 40,000 choices the moment you enter a medium sized supermarket?).

Here's the kicker, Hfcs bypasses ( effectively flies under the radar) of the normal satiety mechanism. In other words, your taste buds don't get saturated with 40 grams of sugars in Hfcs as they would with 40 grams of crystalline sugar. Futher, you could potentially keep eating an enormous amount of food sweetened with Hfcs without the brain's fullness sirens going off.

The reason for this is that your brain does not recognize Hfcs the way it does more conventional foods which have existed in nature for millenia.

SO, next time you get ready to put something in your mouth, think about whether or not your body would even know what to do with it ( is it something your great great grandmother would know of)? The greater the number of steps between the soil and your plate, the higher the likelihood that this food is going to wreak havoc on your insides.


  1. I have a question. Would it be better, then, to have a glass of ice tea with sugar stirred in, than a glass of pre-sweetened ice tea from the grocery store?

    Rule of thumb: If your great grandma would recognize it, thats a good thing; if you cannot pronounce the ingredients, thats a bad thing!!!

  3. Susy, depends on what the sweetener is. If it is HFcS then yes.
